Thursday, June 11, 2009

Hmm... let's test the cool post-by-email feature

I must admit blogspot is a very good blog service, I'm kind of sorry I didn't use it earlier... now it would be hard to switch from a blog I used for last 4 years to a new one. You know... moving people, archives... all that, just too "ma fan".

But I want to use it just for the pleasure of usage :D Hehehe... maybe here I should focus on my cross-cultural experiences?

Like the one yesterday when I was doubting my eyes. I saw an old man jogging along our campus, with a dog. The golden Labrador was wearing glasses. One eye was sun-glasses the other empty. Why it didn't fell? It was held by a strap. The dog was wearing a wristband as well. I so regretted I don't have my camera with me.



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