Tuesday, July 14, 2009


It's a little weird how now all of my family is calling each others "auntie", "grandma", "grandpa" and so on, because of my cute cute nephew David. He is lovely and of course all of us is becoming crazy around him, speaking in a childish way, singin songs and making funny sounds just to make him smile. He's pretty ok with me :D He likes when I sing him, even in Mandarin :D And yet he still seems so fragile, though I'm not that scared to carry him anymore as I was before.

I was shoppin like crazy too.... I bought many clothes, cosmetics... souvenirs and all that. And I am so spoiling myself again. Honestly... I feel a bit lonely even here, since my sisters are both married and have their own life, my parents are getting old and hard to talk with, my friends started working and are busy and have problems I don't understand... so shopping cheers me even here. This is simple math but it makes me happier for a moment. Especially Chanel mascara I got today XD And a dress yesterday. And Mango jeans and jacket I got before. Hehehehe :D And many more.

But my family doesn't really like the Taiwanese food I brought ://// neither Thai cookies:/


Unknown said...

I can relate to you how you feel lonely there. I am in almost exact situation like you're now back in Poland. I feel that alone-ness too.

Good to hear you're back home and shopping. Do you notice your neighborhood change since you've been gone for a while? Or it looks and feels about the same?

About your family doesn't like the Taiwanese food. I think some of the food takes some getting used to, and with the variety of Chinese food, I think there must be some that they'd like :)

So where are the pictures of David? Wonder how cute he is!! He'll learn Mandarin from you, then he'll move to China soon!! :)

Agnes C.D. said...

Well sure it changes... some shops closed down, some opened. There are a lot of road renovations everywhere, but that's all more or less.

I will probably upload some photo later... but e his parents asked me not to put his photos online, so I will do it in some restricted way. He won't go to China, he will go to Taiwan, to visit his favourite aunt!

Unknown said...

Probably now when you go shopping, less people at shopping centers because the world is in recession. If you still shop, you might be able to bargain lower price for your product in this economy.

He'd have a blast going to Taiwan visit you!! Eating all the yummy food, seeing anime products...better than Disneyland!!
I think if you could teach him Mandarin, that would be great, as China seems aimed at rising in the world, and knowing Mandarin will give someone an edge in future economy communication.

You could restrict the pictures access by Winrar with a password, and upload the Winrar file to sites like sharebee.com. So only people you allow can decode the file.

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