Thursday, June 18, 2009


ah... I am totally crazy over her album "the Show" now. I guess it's always like that with me and music... I get addicted to some albums for like one month and listen them over and over again. But her songs are so cute, calming and have (in my opinion) very accurate lyrics. I'm sure Rachel would like her too :D

It wasn't planned for this place to be a lyrics base, and yet... I just like it so much... all of them, but I will restrict myself to putting only one song (at least for now XD):

Don't Let Me Fall

Underneath the moon
Underneath the stars
Here's a little heart
For you
Up above the world
Up above it all
Here's a hand to hold on to

But if i should break
If i should fall away
What am i to do
I need someone to take
A little of the weight
Or I'll fall through

You're just the one that I've been waiting for
I'll give you all that I have to give and more
But don't let me fall

Take a little time
Walk a little line
Got the balance right aha
Give a little love
Gimme just enough
So that i can hang on tight

We will be alright
I'll be by your side
I won't let you down
But i gotta know
No matter how things go
That you will be around

You'll be the one that I'll love forever more
I'll be here holding you high above it all
But don't let me fall


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