Saturday, June 20, 2009


We went to Lugang today with Sui Lin and Aaron... since all of us go back to our countries soon, Lugang is a perfect place for buying souvenirs. I got the caligraphies, ceramics and some small stuff as I wanted... and also a huge Shawn the sheep plushie :D We also tried some good food.

But while buying one of the snacks a young girl asked if she can treat us to some "squid balls" and take photo with us. WOW. We agreed, thinking she wants it for advertisment purpose... but actuallythe squid place was just a tiny stall, and photos was not even really taken with it. And also surprisingly she was most interested in taking photos with me rather than Aaron! She asked me for 3 or 4 shots! That was weird! But free snacks - always good! Hehehe... it's nice to feel nice:D Hopefully she wasn't hitting on me or somthing XD

And though typhoon (or just tropical storm) was scheduled... it was totally sunny and hot!


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