Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Sorry Sorry Naka Naka and I don't wanna cry alone

I must confess I am easily addicted to music recently. It's like those songs get to my head and heart for few days and play on and on, untill I find new songs! Last week was totally Lenka's week. This week I'm giving her a break and replying KAT-TUN's Rescue and Super Junior's Sorry Sorry :D And I actually don't like those songs because of the cute guys, they're just nice bonus:D Also yesterday I got an album of Meiko. I totally randomly decided to give her a chance, and it was so worth it. I know she will be my music theme for another week!

But since tomorrow we have the BIG exam, I need more energy and the energetic Asian guys works well for that. So... Sorry sorry sorry naka naka naka *one leg, the other leg, one round with your body and so on*.
I must admit though I'm really trying to ignore "Rescue" lyrics... most of it it's in (bad) English, so understanding is not a problem... but it is totally depressing. LOL! Good my Korean is non-exsisting:D

Also yesterday I went to the Monday body combat class (before I only go on Sundays). I loved it! More people, more energy! It was more tiring, but whatever... we were even shouting with the punches and all that crazy feel of "battle mode". Know I just want continue practicing punches :P And cannot stop wondering how different it must be to actaully punch a person. Not that I'm looking forward to a chance for that :D


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