Thursday, August 6, 2009

back at home

yep... I am back in Taiwan and I feel like being back home. Kind of relieved from who knows what. The day is pretty busy... meeting new landlord, packing, soon moving, cleaning and shopping. All that still tonight (and it's 4 PM already!). And why oh why it pouring down!!! And typhoon is coming tomorrow ==;; so I need to move tonight... because between typhoon and rain... the rain wins. I hope my friend who is so kind to help me with his car to move all that stuff will be patient enough.

But apart from being at home and excited about new place I'm kind of anxious.... there this very very dark menace over our heads... the THESIS. Sometimes I feel like 6 years old and just wanna start crying and shouting that I don't want to do it and I want to go to my mom, but too bad I can't do it :/ Like always while fighting with thesis writing I complain a lot. Sorry.


Unknown said...

So how's your new apartment? Spacious kitchen with lots of room?

Let's throw some ideas out about your thesis, and brainstorm something together.

Agnes C.D. said...

well it's good... big and still not fully cleaned but nice:D my first flatmate moved in yay!

ah... thesis... *pain*

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